Serving Nevada County & beyond with easy healthy food
$15 per meal, Minimum 5 meals per order
Located in Nevada City California, Chef Mark Loeswick has adapted his love of food in his locally sourced door to door restaurant quality delivery service. Delivery included and provided twice a week for optimum freshness. Select your choices or leave it to the Chef, let’s make eating easy.
Three Reasons to Choose Loeswick Provisions
Loeswick Provisions makes eating easy. No more wandering the grocery store to figure out what’s for dinner. Warm it up and you are on your way. No cooking or clean up required! No waiting on restaurant delivery to bring room temperature soggy food!
Loeswick Provisions provides healthy meals. We take pride in using only the best ingredients, leaving out unnecessary preservatives, fats, sugars and more to keep your eating lean and clean.
Loeswick Provisions is tied directly to our community. All meals are served in recyclable containers. Our bags and ice packs are reused to keep our planet green.